Energy update to EUEA members

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Читати українською

Dear members of the EUEA,
we share with you the latest news in this letter

  1. On February 4, 2021, the Prime Minister announced the first tranche to RES from SC Guaranteed Buyer. This week, a decision was made to evenly distribute UAH 1.8 billion between NNEGC Energoatom and RES out of the UAH 5 billion that NPC Ukrenergo has already transferred to Guaranteed Buyer as part of obtaining loans from state banks in the amount of UAH 10.25 billion. Read more..

  2. The Head of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine estimates compensation for RES by 2029 in the amount of 10-20 billion dollars. Read more…
  3. On February 5, 2021, an online meeting on coal transformation industry and development of hydrogen energy was held by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmygal, Minister of Energy Yuriy Vitrenko and Deputy Minister for European Integration Yaroslav Demchenko on the one hand with representatives of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy of Germany.Yuriy Vitrenko noted that it is necessary to refrain from investing in the modernization of coal generation in favor of investing in green generation, energy storage systems and the modern The Minister of Energy suggested the German side to take concrete steps towards cooperation in the hydrogen economy, in particular, the transportation or export of "green" hydrogen from Ukraine to GermanyRead more…

  4. During the discussion of the National Economic Strategy the Minister of Energy Yuriy Vitrenko expressed the opinion that the prices for green "electricity should be at the market level to ensure sustainable development." However, no concrete action plan was mentioned. Read more…

  5. On February 8, 2021, the Draft Law №5041 on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2021" on financial support of the state enterprise "Guaranteed Buyer" for payment of electricity produced from alternative energy sources was registered. The project proposes the placement of domestic government bonds for UAH 25 billion to support SС “Guaranteed Buyer”, which will allow paying off debts to RES producers, that in turn will not lead to the further growth of debts and the crisis in the field of RES. At the moment, the project is sent to the Committee for consideration. Read more…
  6. On 02.2021 THE GOVERNMENT APPROVED THE STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE GUARANTEED BUYER FOR 2021-2024. In particular, the document established:
  • to increase the electricity production from alternative sources;
  • to provide the population with affordable electricity;
  • to ensure an efficient operation of the enterprise in the electricity market. Read more…
  1. The SC "Guaranteed Buyer" continues to settle accounts with electricity producers - UAH 4.46 billion was paid for marketable products in 2020. Payments were made on February 12, 2021. Read more..

EUEA events:

  1. On February 8, 2021, an online / offline meeting of EUEA members was held. In one day, we managed to discuss topics for three EUEA working groups: renewable energy, energy efficiency and hydrogen. Read more…

  2. Today, February 12, 2021, a conference chaired by Minister of Energy of Ukraine on ways to build the necessary balancing capacity for the IPS of Ukraine. The key message from Yuri Vitrenko was to find a solution to market incentives for the construction of balancing facilities, without reference to technology, and not to create a state support mechanism in this sector. The participants of the meeting expressed different points of view on this issue, tried to give arguments why and how it is still necessary to stimulate this sector without relying only on the laws of market supply and demand. The main conclusions of the meeting:
    • It is necessary to ensure a stable daily market and the market of ancillary services. Currently, the main problem of Ukraine is not the lack of electricity, but its optimization.
    • The development of energy storage technology is currently more cost-effective, but a sustainable regulatory environment needs to be improved to attract investors. Also for this purpose it is necessary to legalize the concept of energy storage systems.
    • Currently, the Ukrainian system lacks 2 GW of shunting power for balancing. But gas turbines and energy storage systems are designed to perform different functions, and they cannot compete with each other.

  1. On Tuesday, February 23 at 14:00 we will hold a webinar with Total Eren within the framework of the EUEA Hydrogen Working Group. Registration.
  1. On February 18, at 10.00 to 12.00 EUEA will hold online conference with Asters on the topic of Compensation of imbalances by RES producers and presentation of the model of imbalance calculations in case of leaving the balancing group of the Guaranteed Buyer.
    Language: Ukrainian


Oleksandra Gumeniuk

Mobile (WhatsApp): +38 095 607 78 57 

18 лютого вебінар ЄУЕА та Asters на тему: “Компенсація небалансів виробниками ВДЕ та аналіз вартості небалансів у разі виходу із балансуючої групи Гарантованого покупця”


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