Invitation 27-28.01.2021: 4th RENPOWER UKRAINE INVESTORS FORUM

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Dear EUEA Members,

EUEA is pleased to be a Supporting Partner of the 


to be held on January 27-28 in the video conference format (live stream).

It will bring together representatives from the private sector, industry, associations and government representatives – from across the whole value chain.  Simultaneous translation in English and Ukrainian will be provided during the two days. 

The Agency will pro-actively participle and its Director, Oleksandra Gumeniuk, Director will Chair the Opening Session of the conference. 

🔸This live broadcast event will feature 4 sessions spread over 2 days with 20+ experts and speakers and approx. 7 hours of presentations, interactive discussions and life Q&A.

Some of the main topics that will be addressed include:

  • The future of the “green“ generation in Ukraine in the next 5-10 years - what opportunities for investors and technology providers?
  • The adoption of Law No. 810 - what positive outcome can be expected in terms of stabilizing the situation on the electricity market?
  • Will RES electricity producers be able to keep operating under the “green” tariff system? What are the possible scenarios if RES electricity producers are required to switch to auctions?
  • Can the financial situation of the Guaranteed Buyer be improved by selling electricity produced from RES under bilateral agreements and corporate PPA mechanisms?
  • Transmission System Development Plan for 2020-2029 and the implementation of an efficient energy storage system.
  • Ukraine maintaining its attractiveness towards investors and the increased role of NEURC .
  • The Hydrogen Energy Roadmap until 2050 launched by the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy – making green hydrogen a cost-competitive option in a not-too-distant future. 

You can participate either as Delegate or as Event Partner, in this case with an exclusive speaking opportunity in the program and/or a virtual booth, branding, etc.


🔸For the detailed program, registration link or details on the proposed Corporate Packages, please contact directly the organizer, Euroconvention Global.

Michel Masquelier will be at your attention at:




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