Draft: Invitation - Loan Guarantee Fund for Energy Efficiency in Industry: How Does It Work? on November 26, 2020, from 9:00 to 14:00

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UNIDO, UKRGASBANK and EUEA sincerely invite you to the online conference

"Loan Guarantee Fund for Energy Efficiency in Industry: How Does It Work?"

Date: November 26, 2020           Time: 09.00-14.00

       Format: ONLINE         

Participation is free of charge


🔸Guaranteed loans are provided to assist industrial enterprises in financing energy efficiency measures and, first of all, in the implementation of the Energy Management System (EnMS), in accordance with the state standard DSTU ISO 50001. Thanks to the Fund, Ukrainian industrial enterprises will be able to attract credit financing without collateral and at a lower interest rate.

On November 26, we will present how the Loan Guarantee Fund works:

🔹how it can stimulate energy efficiency in industry,    

🔹 how much lower will be the interest rates,

🔹why companies need an Energy Management System and Energy Optimization projects,

🔹potential of industrial energy efficiency,

🔹practical examples,

🔹 exchange of industrialists experience,

🔹 pilot enterprises,

🔹and a lot of other issues will be covered during the online conference.


🔸The availability of funding for energy efficiency measures should significantly improve the competitiveness of Ukrainian enterprises: reduce the cost of their product and improve the use of energy resources. In turn, this is especially relevant for Ukrainian industry in the context of its recovery from the COVID-19 effects and should help to improve economy of Ukraine: lowing the energy intensity of GDP, reducing of CO2 emissions (decarbonization), as well as improving the energy resistance and energy security of the system.


Innovative financial instrument - Loan Guarantee Fund (LGF), established and initiated by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) together with JSB “UKRGASBANK”, with the help of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and with the support of national beneficiaries.

Loan Guarantee Fund as a financial mechanism was implemented within the framework of the objectives of the Technical Assistance Project UNIDO/GEF UKR IEE «Introduction of Energy Management System Standard in Ukrainian Industry».


➡️Organizers: UNIDO, JSB “UKRGASBANK”, European-Ukrainian Energy Agency 

➡️Partners: Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine,  State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine 

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