Club Spring Clean

Newsletter Archive

Club Update | Sep 2020


Spring Clean 
Saturday 3 October, 10am - noon

Barb Hegan (021 1 382 775)
Pip Kirkham (021 417 683)

Dear members

Our club grounds and rooms are in need of a spring clean and as a club with no paid employees we rely on assistance from our members with such tasks. Below is the list of jobs that we hope to complete on Saturday 3 October 2020.

Please reply to if you can help (important in these Covid19 times). Also, when you reply, please let us know if your preference is a specific job or if you’re happy to be a general volunteer, we’ll assign a task.

Club Rooms

* Wipe out kitchen cupboards and drawers
* Wipe outside kitchen cupboards
* Wipe out fridge
* Wipe down kitchen walls
* Wipe down kitchen benches (including sink), table and chairs
* Vacuum floors (kitchen & clubroom) and sofas
* Mop floors
* Wipe any surfaces in social room
* Clean toilets and hand basins
* Check all lights/power sockets are working
* Check 1st Aid Kit (committee member)

Equipment Shed (Garage)

* Stocktake of inventory
* Reorganise
* Sweep out


* Weed bank
* Prune shrubs/deadwood
* Clean out gutters
* Sweep outside clubroom
* Sweep training areas
* Puppy area – mow grass
* Puppy area – mend fence

Finally, if any club members have specific building and/or landscaping expertise that they’re willing to donate to the club please let us know as there are some larger one-off projects that the committee has identified.

Many thanks

Barb & Pip


COVID L2 Operating Guidelines

* All participants to have pre-registered with event organisers.
* Attendees to check-in on tracing apps.
* We will have a supply of gloves available but please bring * your own for cleaning/gardening work.
* We encourage the use of masks.  Please bring your own.
* Anyone who has flu-like symptoms - sore throat, runny nose, cough or fever however mild - is not to attend.
* Club gates will be left open to avoid repeated touching.
* Hand sanitiser will be available.
* Observe social distancing. Minimum of 1 metre with 2 metres recommended where possible.
* No more than 6 people present in the clubhouse at one time.
* Please do not bring your dogs.
* Please do not bring other family members unless they have also registered.
* We won’t be able to share food/beverages. Please bring your own refreshments and cups. You are welcome to use the kettle.

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© Copyright 2020, Wellington Canine Obedience Club
Alexandra Road, Mt Victoria, (PO Box 14 032) Wellington

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