Whats your next City trip?! Paris? Berlin? Amsterdam? - or some other great city? We thought you might need a little help and fun while you stroll around on your next city trip, so we have created special ICONSPEAK City Editions! The city editions contain a special selection of sights and local specialities for each of the cities - discover them all and get the one you like best with 11% off using "citeasy"
Let us know if you are missing your favourite city, we eager to develop the collection further..!
Looking forward to welcoming you on our shop again!
Flo and Georg @ICONSPEAK
City Tote Bags All the city designs are also available on our beloved tote bags - which are perfect companions for any city trip! Not only functional but also beautiful and fashionable at the same time. London? Paris? Munich? Barcelona? Tokyo? Rome? Moscow? Berlin? Where do you go next..?
Avenwood Quality Cases Together with the Swiss company Avenwood we have developed a limited edition of bamboo based cases for iPhones! When you want to go for the absolute highest quality for your phone case, Avenwood is the way to go! Check out the limited collection on their shop!
Choose your ONE! Check out the latest addition to the ICONSPEAK collection, choose your one and profit from the introductory price of USD 39.- Check out the different designs, we are sure there is ONE for you as well...