The Little Gap newsletter

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The Little Gap

The official unofficial newsletter for Dharma Ocean’s sangha in Europe.

(No time to read? Scroll down to events in your country.)


Opening circle at the Hirschhorn retreat.

The Dharma Ocean sangha in Europe is becoming more and more active. It’s wonderful to read the reflection below about the retreat in the Italian Dolomites. As I’m sure you’ll agree, that dramatic landscape sounds like an incredible place to practice, perhaps reminiscent of the scene around Blazing Mountain.

We also enjoyed a colourful autumnal landscape in Hirschhorn, Germany where sangha members came together for a weekend retreat at the start of November. Even though we had only two days together, we got such inspiration and practice momentum from the occasion. The next issue of The Little Gap will include a reflection on the experience we shared there. We hope more such sangha events pop up around Europe like mushrooms.

We’d love to hear what you think about this recently refashioned newsletter. Feedback and suggestions for improvement, or things you might like to see in the future, are all welcome. And if you’d to volunteer to help with this newsletter, offer a shrine photo or would be open to being interviewed, please get in touch:

Wishing you all good practice.

Josh & Sacha


Q&A with Jennifer Parr

Reflections on a peer-led retreat in the Italian Dolomites

Shrine photo

Upcoming events and practice groups


Q&A with Jennifer Parr

Q. Where are you from and where do you live?

A. I am Dutch originally and have been living in Leeds, UK the past 10 years

Q. What's your occupation?

A. I am a lecturer and I teach various topics related to international health.

Q. What drew you to somatic meditation?

A. About 15 years ago I was introduced to mindfulness and I practiced that for 12/13 years and then it just was not enough anymore. I wanted to take it further. I happened on a talk by Tami Simon and thought I'd give somatic meditation a try. I downloaded 10 Points practice from the Dharma Ocean website and gave it a try. As I was doing it I thought, "this is ridiculous! no way this does anything", and then I got up after I finished and I knew this was the type of practice for me. I did 10 Points practice every day and I was on holiday when the opportunity for the Meditating With the Body course happening in the UK came up. On very bad wifi and on my mobile I booked it – I just knew I had to. Best decision I ever made. When I arrived in Devon I knew I was finally home.

Q. What has been your favourite practice and why?

A. I absolutely love the relative and absolute bodhicitta practice. The feeling of being so deeply connected in the earth and the love flowing up from deep below. It is just incredible. I love how practical it is. I use it on an almost daily basis when I meet someone who is going through a hard time.

Q. What practices are you focusing on now?

A. Since the Cornwall retreat earlier this year I have been focusing on Pure Awareness. That is my daily practice in the morning. In the evening I am working through the seven-limbed bodhicitta training.I take my time with those depending on what is called for so I might not practice every day.

Q. Do you have a favourite quote from CTR or RR that you would like to share?

A. “To be a human being is to be on a spiritual journey. To search for the sacred is to search into the depths of our own experience. There is no separation. We do not need a mediator between ourselves and the sacred because our lives already embody the sacred. We don’t need somebody standing at the toll booth demanding a price in order to admit us into salvation, because salvation actually exists in our bodies, in our hearts, in our genes, in our world.” — Reggie Ray


Reflections on a peer-led retreat in the Italian Dolomites

By Matteo Bonini Baraldi and Mariana Straton

Between 18-23 October we held a practice gathering in the Italian Dolomites. As initiators and organisers of this event, we are happy to share with the wider sangha in Europe a few thoughts on our inspiration, the venue, the practice container and what it brought to us. Our hope is that others will be able to enjoy the story and the pictures, and perhaps even feel inspired to initiate similar gatherings in the future in whatever area they live or work.

Our intention in calling for this gathering – which was entirely self-led – was to support each other in the deepening of our practice, by providing a container for meditation, silence, and connection with nature, enriched by communal living. We felt that providing a space for self-led practice in a small group offers a great opportunity for sustaining one's path in between more formal or official programs.

Matteo’s family cabin provided a cosy and earthy physical container for the gathering. Both of us prepared a draft schedule for each of the four days, a mix of recordings and practices that we were all were working with at the moment.  We chose to prepare and eat meals communally, hence a ROTA schedule was used during the first few days. Everything seemed to flow organically hence we let go of the ROTA schedule towards the end, as everyone was naturally present to what needed to be done.

At the gathering, we observed silence from the first day onwards, a silence only complemented by a Sound Bath session at the end of the second day, and by a group sharing on the third day. Thanks to the amazing weather, we were also able to deepen our connection with nature and the stunning surroundings with a mindful walk that culminated in a heart practice overlooking peaks, valleys and woods.

Overall, the whole group had the opportunity to focus exclusively on extended meditation practice, without any interruption or distraction from outside events and with the benefit of silence and the support of our sangha.

In the words of one participant: “I feel that with all of us being regular meditation practitioners we were comfortable with the idea that we had come together as committed individuals to create a self-supporting, Dharma Ocean practice group. The group dynamic was unconditionally positive, constructive and supportive throughout and I feel it has created a lasting bond between all those attending.

“The location was truly spectacular and I definitely felt an overall enhanced clarity of awareness in my practice inspired by the towering mountain peaks, the overwhelming natural beauty of the landscape and the purity of the elements. I have been able to retain much of the clarity discovered on the retreat which have greatly contributed to my practice since coming home.”

Our practice schedule built up through the Three Yanas – the Ground, the Meditation and bodhicitta – and with some more specific practices on the Three Kayas. It consisted of a mix of guided and unguided sessions and of Reggie’s and Chogyam Trungpa’s teachings.

We opened the gathering with Reggie’s contemplation on the Four Reminders and closed it with a guided practice and teaching on the Four Immeasurables. The recordings and teachings were mostly from the following programs: Meditating with the Body (Buckfast, UK), The Practice of Pure Awareness (CDs), Sutrayana Mahayana, Mahamudra for the Modern World, Awakening the Heart (2CDs), Dathun Highlights, the Seven-Limbed Bodhichitta training.

We also wanted to mention that the chalet could be used for any future sangha retreats or gatherings if anyone feels inspired.

We bow with gratitude to the sacredness of our true nature, the lineage and the sangha. May we endlessly open to the endless life energy!

Recommended listening:

Heart of Awakening – part 1

By Reggie Ray


Recommended reading:

How to study the Dharma

By Reggie Ray


Quote of the month:

“When we let go of all of our ideas, we see there are no inherent limitations. That’s what is so wonderful! We say we are limited in such and such ways – for example, we can’t fly. But these are notions, nothing more. If I can see life as One Body, that this is all one thing, then of course I can fly. I can do anything because I am everything. And I am doing it all right now! I am flying. I am circling the earth, circling Mars, creating stars. If I say I can’t fly, all that really means is my concept of “I” can’t fly. Because my idea of me is this limited, bound self, I don’t see that I’m one with the eagle. As a boundless, unlimited being, I can certainly fly.” – Bernie Glassman, Zen teacher


This shrine photo from Jennifer Paar in Leeds shows how personal shrines can be, reminders of the real human care we receive in our lives, rather than only lofty esoteric symbolism.

Would you like to share what your home shrine looks like and what it means to you? If so, please get in touch!

The central picture is of Yeshe Tsogyal. I felt so drawn to the shrine at the back of our Cornwall retreat centre that I really wanted her to be central on my shrine. The rest of the shrine is mostly gifts: sarong cover, pendant depicting, I think, Quan Yin, cut glass lotus tea light holder, petrified rose, Ganesha, Buddha (holding a Kazakh instrument), Tara, a turtle, mother bear. Not depicted is a small bowl that I fill with tea in the morning. There is so much love in all of these elements, from people who play or played a big part in my life and others who just passed through.  

– Jennifer


3 night residential retreat in Devon, UK. February 8-11, 2019

A deep winter 3 night residential retreat in Devon, UK on the edge of the Dartmoor National Park at Bala Brook House. This is a peer-led retreat where we will include DO recorded practices and teachings and silent/self-led Bodywork and Pure Awareness practices. Max participants 15. Cost is £114 per person  + contribution for food (we will prepare food together). Please note that the £114pp rate is based on minimum 10 participants. If fewer than 10, the cost pp will be slightly higher. To book or to find out more, please contact Mariana at Dharma Ocean Bristol



We are two Dharma Ocean Practitioners happy to share our beautiful Living Room/Shrine Room to practice together. Our Shrine Room can host comfortably 6 to 8 people lying down. We are located in the Centre of Graz, South-East Austria,  a city close to the border of Slovenia and Hungary. So if you are interested in Meditation Evenings on a regular basis or Full- or Half Practice days (being scheduled in coordination with participants) and of course sharing precious time together, please get in contact with us:

Michaela Fuchs



Dharma Ocean Paris meets about once a month (usually a Sunday morning) in central Paris (in the 2nd arrondissement). Next meeting will take place in September. We usually practice together, listen to a talk by Reggie and have a discussion about it afterwards. The best way to contact me is by email.

Linn Lillsunde


GERMANY, Heidelberg


A new group in Heidelberg is taking shape and has begun sitting on a weekly basis. We practice at my home in the yoga and meditation room. We enjoy sharing tea and a chat before or after, and will sometimes practice the 8 Movements of Ch’an beforehand to prepare for meditation. We plan to hold half-day and full-day retreats in the near future. Get in touch via Whatsapp: 004915758932885 or by email:

Josh Gale



DO Ireland are currently looking to establish a monthly Sunday gathering in Dublin city centre. Please contact us to join us.

Across Ireland, we plan to have day-long or half-day events once per quarter in rotating locations around the country to allow everyone a chance to attend. We’ll listen to teachings, sit together, and just hang out! We’re also in the early phases of planning an annual weekend gathering, open to the whole European sangha.

Do email Sean for more info! We're especially interested in hearing from people outside Dublin who might know of venues in their area suitable for hosting small group gatherings.

Sean Harnett



We meet every Saturday 9:45am-11:30am at the Shambhala Meditation Centre, 17 Lower Redland Road, Bristol BS6 6TB to listen to guided meditations, practice, and sharing. The centre has mats, cushions, blankets, yoga mats, chairs, although you’re welcome to also bring your own. There is space for 17 people seated/lying down. The room hire cost of £22.50 is shared between whoever turns up on the day. Email us to let us know you’d like to come and to get further info!

Petrina Yeoh and Jon Young


UNITED KINGDOM, Bruton, Somerset

We meet in Bruton, South Somerset every other Sunday 4:00pm-5.30pm for a meditation session followed by tea and sharing. Please contact me for further information.

Danielle Crawshaw



I offer a fortnightly practice gathering at 8pm on alternate Sundays in Devon, UK. Currently we meet on Zoom to practice together, listen to teachings and share together, but my home is also open if people want to come in person.

Julia Collins



I offer my shrine room in Newhaven for fortnightly practice on Sundays from October 2018 (date tbc). There is space for about 8 people seated/lying down. We have plenty of zafus and yoga mats. There is also an opportunity to connect via Skype for group practice.  

Please contact me for further info.

Alistair Appleton



We meet monthly on a Sunday 11:00am-1:00pm at The Study Society, Colet House, 151 Talgarth Road, London, W14 9DA - nearest tube is Barons Court. Please bring your own mats and cushions – chairs are available.  Donations to help cover the room hire cost are welcome – we suggest £10 but whatever is ok for you will be gratefully received.

Email us to let us know you'd like to come and to get further important room access info as well as the upcoming dates.

Julie Larner and Ian Sturgess

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