Test: Operation Hope Foundation - April 2023 Newsletter

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Dear compassionate supporters,

It's hard to believe that we're already in the month of April! As always, we are incredibly grateful for your ongoing support and contributions towards our mission of helping children in Cambodia and Nepal.

Currently, we have 104 children in Cambodia and 52 children in Nepal who are relying on sponsorship to access education, healthcare, and other basic necessities. However, we wanted to share an important update with you.

As costs have risen, our analysis has shown that we need to increase the sponsorship amount to ensure we can continue providing the necessary support to these children. Going forward, the sponsorship cost will be $240 per month for a sole sponsor or $120 per month for a co-sponsor in both Cambodia and Nepal.

We understand that this may be a significant increase for some of our sponsors, which is why we're asking for your help to find co-sponsors for these children. We need to find 100 co-sponsors for Cambodia and 50 co-sponsors for Nepal to ensure that all of our children continue to receive the care they need.

If you know anyone who might be interested in sponsoring a child or co-sponsoring with you, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of these children and provide them with a brighter future.

HVPV Children at Dining Hall

     HVPV Children at Dining Hall

It has been more than ten years since we last revised our sponsorship fees, and unfortunately, we have to increase the cost due to the substantial increase in food and staff costs, as well as the cost of education.

For instance, the price of a 50kg bag of rice in Cambodia has tripled in price (Asian Development Bank, 2021), and staff wages have increased due to government regulations (ASEAN Briefing, 2021).


   Computer Classes at HVPV

We are committed to providing quality education to the underprivileged children in Cambodia and Nepal. To achieve this goal, we have invested in tuition classes for Cambodian children and shifted to a more expensive private school in Nepal. Although public education is free, it does not equip these children with the necessary skills to break the poverty cycle. By investing in education, we are giving these children a chance to create a brighter future for themselves. In addition, transportation has become a concern, and we now need to hire a bus to transport the children to and from school.


   Staff learning Critical Thinking Boardgames to teach the Children.

We understand that the increased sponsorship fee of S$240 a month for a full sponsor may seem steep, but we want to assure you that it is reasonable. We provide not only board and basic education but also a range of enrichment programs that prepare the child for independence and employment opportunities after leaving the home

Ensuring a good future for Nepal children


   Nepal Advancement (NA) Children watching magic show perform by yours truly.

In Nepal, we continue to work towards ensuring a good future for the children. The pandemic has had a significant impact on Nepal's economy, with falling remittances from overseas and a shortage of foreign exchange. Unfortunately, there has not been much improvement, especially in rural areas, where 56% of households have at least one family member working and living abroad (Worldbank, 2020). In 2020, remittances from migrant workers amounted to 23.5% of Nepal's GDP, putting tremendous social stress on families (Worldbank Data, 2021). We also received an unprecedented demand for children to join our home, but unfortunately, we have reached our capacity due to the rising costs and are unable to accommodate all the requests.

By being a child sponsor, you can make a positive impact on the life of a child, providing them with the resources and support they need to break out of the poverty cycle and build a brighter future.

Be a child sponsor and help children like Srey Lin

   Left: Srey Lin's Mom reaching out to us for help 14years ago. Middle: 4yo Srey Lin after a clean shower and neat haircut. Right: Srey Lin today (18yo in Grade 12).

Srey Lin came to Hope Village as a young child  in 2009 ( see photo below) and is now Grade 12. A very cute and lovable child , we are fortunate to play a part in bringing her up to be a lively and cheerful young adult. Her father left the family and the mother struggle to make a living with occasional ad- hoc jobs. The mother’s uncle came to OHF to seek help for the children and got Srey Lin admitted. If Srey Lin did not come to Hope Village , she will probably left school at Primary 6 and get  married at 15!  We have hundreds of stories like this as over a hundred children have graduated from Hope Village. The success of these children after they leave Hope Village is what we look and aim for.

For more Children Profiles: Click Here
To sponsor a child: Emailto Caroline@ohf.org.sg
To learn more: Visit us at https://ohf.org.sg/ohf-child/ 

At OHF, HVPV, and NA, our dedicated staff are working tirelessly to ensure that every child in our care has access to the best education, resources, and opportunities for a brighter future. But we can't do it alone. We need your help to continue our mission of providing a better future for these deserving children. Your support and generosity can make all the difference. Thank you for joining us in this important work. Together, we can create a brighter future for these children in need.

Yours sincerely,

Robert Kee

Chairman & Founder

Operation Hope Foundation

© Copyright, 2024, Operation Hope Foundation • Tanglin International Centre, 352 Tanglin Road, #02-04, Singapore 247671

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