OHF Newsletter - Sept 2021 edition

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Donating to crisis - Will your donations benefit the beneficiaries?

During this pandemic and for many disasters that are featured in the media, donations can in some cases, literally pour in. But where do the donations go to and how much actually reaches the beneficiaries? These are hard questions to ask and may seem mercenary and against the spirit of charity.  But such questions are necessary to ensure that your donations actually help the people you see on the news media. Channel News Asia featured an article warning about scams on oxygen concentrators donations to India.

Police warn of scam involving oxygen machines donation to India amid COVID-19 crisis - CNA (channelnewsasia.com).


Read this report on our oxygen concentrators project to Nepal.

Providing Nepal with 'A Breath of Hope' - OHF - Operation Hope Foundation 


Help us to do more by donating to our General Fund

OHF has a policy that when there is a need, it will act on the need first and raise funds later. In the past years, we have been using our Reserve Funds but found that subsequent donations did not raise the requisite amount.  For example, in the above Oxygen Concentrators project, it cost over $80,000 but we raised only $25,000. The shortage was $55,000.  Due to the urgency,  we could not wait for the donations to be raised before buying and sending over the oxygen concentrators. 

Our general fund is not just for administrative purposes but for projects. Here are some projects that use our Reserve funds:

  1. Livelihood projects, chicken and goat farms, computer and sewing classes in Nepal.

The cost was US$100,000 but we managed to raise only a fraction of this amount. Because of covid and also the lack of funds, we have stopped this project.

  1. Renovation of House to be a Restaurant. We have a building in Hope Village Prey Veng which we are renovating to turn into a restaurant that can generate income. We need to repair the floors and structure, change the doors and windows, add in fencing and a gate plus buying all the equipment needed to fit out the restaurant.  This project is ongoing and hopefully can be completed in six months.

The above are two major projects that use our reserve funds.  Small projects that uses our reserve funds recently are:

  1. Purchase of marbling paint sets and drawing kits for Hope Village children.
  2. Purchase cross stitch kits.
  3. Sending donated laptops to Cambodia since we are not able to travel there due to Covid.

We need your generous support and donation to our Reserve Fund so that our projects can continue to help those living in poverty and the children in Hope Village.

Donate To Make Hope Real - OHF - Operation Hope Foundation


Our Hope Village kids proudly showing their finished cross stitch.

RICE up for the Less Fortunate food pack distribution for Covid affected villagers 

Thanks to the donors who had generously donated to the RICE up for the Less Fortunate campaign, we have raised sufficient funds for this project. Our Khmer staff reported that 75 families who have been receiving food packs every two months from our Non-Residential Child Sponsor program said that they have run out of rice because they have no income due to the covid restrictions. Because of Covid and the restrictions, food sellers are unable to operate. Construction has stopped and many workers are laid off. Many thousands of migrant workers were sent back from Thailand. 

The current program is to give 50kg of rice plus 6 cans of sardine, cooking oil, salt, sugar, and soya sauce. Due to the lack of income, these 75 families said the 50kg of rice was not enough. Indeed when our staff visited their homes, their rice bag was depleted. For these 75 families, we decided to give 100kg instead of 50kg of rice. The families were grateful for the additional 50kg of rice that enabled them to avoid hunger. Below are photos of the distribution and some of the families. 


© Copyright, 2020, Operation Hope Foundation, Tanglin International Centre, 352 Tanglin Rd, #02-04, Singapore 247671

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