Newsletter n. 6 – 27 May 2021

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Newsletter n° 6 - 27 May 2021

The great amplifier. How to recover from COVID-19 and create a more just society

The great amplifier. How to recover from COVID-19 and create a more just society

GROWINPRO’s first animated infographic aims at providing an innovative way to present the project’s main policy proposals to steer the recovery toward a more sustainable society


Vaccines and patents in Covid-19 times: An impossible coexistence?

A GROWINPRO online workshop on May 26 addressed the property rights in the field of vaccines from a scientific, legal and economic perspective


Which Europe after the pandemic? Recovering from the Covid-19 with a better EU

An online seminar to discuss the impact and consequences of the pandemic outbreak in Europe. And to steer the path towards a sustainable, inclusive post-Covid EU.

COVID-19 papers


On the regularity of human mobility patterns at times of a pandemic

Fabio Vanni, David Lambert

working paper 48/2021

Small Firms and the COVID-19 Insolvency Gap

Julian Oliver Dörr, Simona Murmann, Georg Licht

working paper 47/2021



On the economic and health impact of the COVID-19 shock on Italian regions: A value chain approach

Tommaso Ferraresi, Leonardo Ghezzi, Fabio Vanni, Alessandro Caiani, Mattia Guerini, Francesco Lamperti, Severin Reissl, Giorgio Fagiolo, Mauro Napoletano, Andrea Roventini 

working paper 45/2021

Assessing the Economic Impact of Lockdowns in Italy: A Computational Input-Output Approach

Severin Reissl, Alessandro Caiani, Francesco Lamperti, Mattia Guerini, Fabio Vanni, Giorgio Fagiolo, Tommaso Ferraresi, Leonardo Ghezzi, Mauro Napoletano, Andrea Roventini

working paper 44/2021



How to design virus containment polices? A joint analysis of economic and epidemic dynamics under the COVID-19 pandemic

Alessandro Basurto, Herbert Dawid, Philipp Harting, Jasper Hepp, Dirk Kohlweyer

working paper 42/2021

check here the other COVID-19 papers



Technological paradigms, labour creation and destruction in a multi-sector agent-based model

Giovanni Dosi, Marcelo C. Pereira, Andrea Roventini, Maria Enrica Virgillito

Trade networks and shock transmission within the Italian production system

Stefano Costa, Federico Sallusti, Claudio Vicarelli



Generation, Diffusion and Productivity Effects of Industry 4.0 Technologies

Vanessa Behrens, Florence Blandinieres, Bettina Peters

Benefits of Investing into the Development of 4IR-Related Technologies

Bettina Peters, Markus Trunschke



Open innovation and prizes: is the European Commission really committed?

Isabelle Liotard, Valérie Revest



Being small at the right moment: Path dependence after a shift in the technological regime

Jasper Hepp

check all the GROWINPRO Working Papers



Sospensione dei brevetti e politiche d’innovazione

La «liberalizzazione» dei brevetti può distruggere l’innovazione e lasciare impreparati di fronte a una nuova epidemia come sostengono le imprese farmaceutiche? O è possibile immaginare il trasferimento tecnologico e aumentare la produzione mondiale di vaccini?

Andrea Roventini

Build Back the State

In promising to “build back better” from the pandemic, US President Joe Biden has certainly struck the right note. But to succeed, he will need to forge a new social contract, drawing on the lessons of a previous era when the US state led a program that is still paying economic dividends.

Mariana Mazzucato


check all the GROWINPRO Press


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