IABSE Newsletter September 2019

September 2019

Monthly Newsletter

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Effective October 1, 2019
IABSE Secretariat’s new location
and telephone number:

Jungholzstrasse 28
8050 Zurich, Switzerland
Tel#: +41 43 443 97 65
E-mail: secretariat@iabse.org

Important information
IABSE Secretariat is currently developing a new website to provide better service to its members.

The new website is intended to go live early next year. For a smooth transition, the 2020 Membership Renewal will be issued using the new system.

Members will receive a separate email with step-by-step instructions on how to renew their membership online.


Important Dates

Next Conference:

IABSE Wroclaw 2020
‘Synergy of Culture and Civil Engineering – History and Challenges’
May 20-22, 2020

Download Preliminary Invitation
Click here!

IABSE Christchurch 2020
‘Resilient Technologies for Sustainable Infrastructures’
September 2-4, 2020
Abstract submission by:
October 15, 2019

IABSE Seoul 2020
‘Risk Intelligence of Infrastructures’
November 9-10, 2020

IABSE Ghent 2021
‘Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs’
September 22-24, 2021

Upcoming Events

Calendar of Events

NG Events (Updated!)

IABSE Congress 2019 New York and Annual Meetings: Check out what happened (photos)!


Permanent Committee meeting (ongoing voting) during the Annual Meetings. Presentation of IABSE’s 90th Anniversary Cake. IABSE Awards during the Opening Ceremony at the IABSE Congress 2019.

September 2 to 3, 2019, the IABSE Annual Meetings were held prior to the IABSE Congress, at the Silman’s Office—located right next to the Brooklyn Bridge in NYC. Over 134 committee members came to participate from all over the world. Although Sept. 2, was a public holiday in the US, Silman’s office wasn’t empty at all —every meeting room was packed with enthusiastic IABSE members, who had flown in from all over the world to take part in the IABSE Annual Meetings!

Committees, Commissions, Task Groups and Board members greeted each other as friends and family members and commenced with their productive meetings to discuss the future contribution and activities of the association. On Tuesday afternoon, the Permanent Committee met and elected Jose Matos, Portugal as a new Vice President.

On September 4, 2019, over 700 structural engineers along with 47 accompanying persons from 48 different countries were welcomed at the Javits Center in New York City for the IABSE Congress 2019 New York. Celebrating IABSE’s 90th Year Anniversary, there was no better place to mark this milestone event than in New York City—home to some of the world’s most iconic structures. Under the theme “The Evolving Metropolis”, structural engineers were invited in the paraphrased words of Oliver Wendell Homes, the famous US Supreme Court Associate Justice from the early 1900s, “to stretch one’s mind to a new idea such that it never regains its original dimensions.”

The US Group of IABSE awarded two Young Engineer Paper Winners: Haipeng Lei, China for his paper "Simplified Interactive Flexure - Shear Design Method for Concrete Beams Based on Plastic Stress Field" and to Johanna Ruge, Germany for her paper "Models as Design Tools - Physical Models and Their Epistemic Value".

Read the complete article about IABSE's Annual Meetings and Congress Report, in the forthcoming SEI November issue.

90 Years Anniversary Videos for this Month:
IABSE Awards 2019 and Why I am a Member!

(1) IABSE Awardees Interview:

 Angus Low, UK
 Rober Häallmark, Sweden
 Alfred Strauss, Germany
 Speak about their experience at IABSE: 
 Click Here!


(2) Mariagrazia Bruschi and
      Rebecca Buntrock; US:

 I love being an IABSE Member: Click Here!

Want to share your thoughts about your experience at IABSE?

Send an email to bose@iabse.org

Prepare Early for IABSE Conferences!

IABSE Symposium Wroclaw 2020

on ‘Synergy of Culture and Civil Engineering – History and Challenges
May 20-22, 2020

Watch video: Message from the Organisers

Preliminary Invitation:
Have you registered? If not, do not delay and join this Symposium in the beautiful city of Wroclaw.
More information:
 Click Here!

IABSE Congress Christchurch 2020

on ‘Resilient Technologies for Sustainable Infrastructures’,
September 2 -4, 2020

Don’t miss the deadline!
Abstracts submission by: October 15, 2019

‘Kia Ora’ is a Maori-language greeting, which translates to ‘Cheers’ and ‘Good Luck’. Perfect time to fulfil your dreams in exploring the southern hemisphere!

Further information: Click Here

IABSE Conference Seoul 2020

on ‘Risk Intelligence of Infrastructures’,
Save the Date: November 9-10, 2020


The IABSE Korean Group is organising the IABSE Conference Seoul 2020 next year. The goal of this conference is to offer top practitioners and academics in the region and the world a forum for meaningful discussions on recent and future developments and applications in the areas of risk analysis and data intelligence for bridges and infrastructures. Save the date!

Further information: Click Here


IABSE New York
Congress Report

Now available for
PDF download
(against cost):

Click Here!

Coming Soon!

Structural Engineering Document:

Coming up soon: SED on Extradosed Bridges, edited by Mike Schlaich and another Case Study (stay tuned!)

How to write a SED:

Do you have a proposal for a SED? Form a Task Group, discuss your proposal and submit it to the Bulletin Editorial Board.
For queries contact: bose@iabse.org

News from National Groups

Logo's of National Groups

National Groups can download their logos from their webpage on the
IABSE website

IABSE National Groups, New York 2019 (at Robert Silman Office)

National Groups













The Netherlands


July 15-18, 2019

The Ecuadorian Group of IABSE held its very first event together with the Ecuadorian Society of Earthquake Engineering, the VII Ecuadorian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, which was dedicated to the memory of Prof. Alfonso Malaver.

Further information: Click Here!


The recently formed Chilean Group of IABSE, under the chairmanship of Matias Valenzuela, has been very active this year and has similar plans for next year too.

Further information: Click Here!

Japan, China, Korea,

November 7-8, 2019

2nd Young Engineers Colloquium, Tokyo

All four National Groups are organising their second joint YEC event in November 7-8, 2019 in Tokyo, watch the video in the beginning of the Newsletter by Y. Fujino.

Please submit abstracts, application forms and registration forms including a short Curriculum Vitae using the template to iabse-jpn@jssc.or.jp.

Further information: Click Here!


October 9, 2019

Mini seminar: New Storstrøm Bridge, Batching Plant and Prefabrication Yard

This seminar (15:00-19:00) organised by the Danish Group of IABSE will present current construction activities for the ongoing large bridge project in Denmark – The Storstrøm Bridge. The aim is to give a technical introduction to the Contractors work with the concrete batching plant and the prefabrication yard, which is the backbone of the bridge construction

Further information: Click Here!

The Netherlands

October 9, 2019

Rijkswaterstaat and the Dutch Group of IABSE will organise together with CROW the seminar ‘CUR96 Recommendation FRP Structures UPDATE’ at Bouwcampus, Delft, The Netherlands.

Further information: Click Here!


August 13, 2019

The Colombian Group of IABSE held its Elections for a new Executive Committee, following the decision of Prof. Luis E. Garcia to step down as the Chair of the Colombian National Group of IABSE. We thank Prof. Garcia for his dedicated work for IABSE and welcome New Chair Juan Andrés Oviedo-Amezquita and Vice Chair Nelson Betancour-Suarez and wish them all the best for their activities.

Germany and Poland

October 11-12, 2019

6th Young Engineers Colloquium

The German and Polish Group
of IABSE are organising a Colloquium where, young engineers can present student projects, PhD research papers as well as construction projects from all fields of civil engineering. The presentations are going to be held in English. Prizes will be awarded to the best presentations.

For any queries, please contact our organising committee at YEC2019@iabse.de

Further Information: Click Here!


October 22, 2019

2nd Brazilian Seminar on Bridge and Structure

The Brazilian Group of IABSE co-organises with various other associations seminars and monthly lectures. On 3rd July, Sergio Hampshire presented on the topic of ‘Design of Seismic Resistant Structures’, and on the 4th September, David Cabral presented on the: Risk Analysis of Subsoil Structures ans Slope Stability.

Further information: Click Here!


March 25-26, 2020

’AI and Data-driven Design in Structural Engineering’ Workshop 2020

Abstract submission deadline: November 1, 2019.

This Workshop is being organized by the Finnish Group of IABSE together with Finnish Association of Civil Engineers (RIL) , is also an outcome of work done by the IABSE Task Group 3.6 Save the date and register for this cutting edge Workshop which will also have Keynotes by experts from the industry.

Further information: Click Here!

General Call for Members - News!

IABSE Members are welcome to send us information about any recent achievement (individual or your company/university) and we try to shall feature you or your company here. Please report on news from your country as well by month end for inclusion in next month’s Newsletter, website, Social Media and SEI. We are happy to promote and assist you in your activities and spread the news across IABSE community!

Please send your report to: bose@iabse.org

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subscribed to our monthly newsletter.

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© Copyright, 2019, IABSE

Our Contacts:

c/o ETH Zurich
Hoenggerberg HIL E21.3
8049 Zurich, SWITZERLAND

Phone: +41-44-633 2647

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