The PACTS, International Newsletter
COMMUNITY NEWS Monday, December 4, 2017 - TOPIC: Fliming our Own Documentary
The Documentary Committee has been meeting for the past few weeks and we are making good progress toward starting our own documentary. We have an outline and are in the process of gathering subjects to participate in the filming. We are now also in search of volunteers to do the filming. We would also pay professionals, however, to save money, we'd like to use some in-house talent as well. This will be a long-term project so we must conserve costs wherever we can. We hope to find some volunteers this evening. PACTS International Monday Night Podcast
LAS VEGAS SUPPORT GROUP STARTING! REGIONAL HUB IN THE WORKS!!! We had a great call Saturday night as we welcomed Tim Cassella to our community. He is starting a group in Las Vegas and hopes to run for political office as well. He also used to be in radio and hopes to return, so he may be broadcasting our plight to the world soon! With him in Las Vegas, Deserie Foley and DJ Terence Romero in Phoenix, plus our group in the Los Angeles area, we could do great things in the southwestern area! CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT STARTING? Received this information today on facebook: Doug Cruz has asked to spread the word that he and several others are starting a class action lawsuit and need 500 people to sign up. Planning is being done on secure (as possible) email initially. Someone in the group has had legal training and has filed many documents. For more information, please contact: Doug Cruz INTERNATIONAL CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT? The following information was compiled by Gary Owens who would like to start an international lawsuit: GOOD VIBES For those that need some positive forces working in their life, try running this video a couple hours per day! It's a great upper: |